AGC Conversation

The Church Council & All God’s Children (AGC) Task Force invites you to congregational conversation in the Fireside Room on December 1 and December 8 after Sunday Worship.

Both of these conversations will be structured the same, so you are welcome to come to one or both. The purpose of these conversations is to share more information about the discernment process and recommendations for partnering with Lake Area Discovery Center (LADC) for our learning center.

These conversations will give you more information on the LADC model and why the teams are excited about this opportunity. You will also have the opportunity to share your questions and input before the Church Council votes on this partnership.



Dec 01 2024


11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Valley of Peace

Lutheran Church

4735 Bassett Creek Drive

Golden Valley, MN 55422

Ph. (763) 588-4611

Fax (763) 588-2963

Sunday Worship

9:30 am

Summer Worship

(Memorial Day through Labor Day)

10:15 am

Fall Worship

(Labor Day through Memorial Day)








Recabout-reconciling-in-christonciling In Christ


Valley of Peace Merchandise

                                                                                                                                                                      All God's Children Learning Center


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Large print bulletins.

New sound system.
